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Sacred places

Sacred places
Sacred places
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11 juin 2007

The Midsummer's Day cathedral

The Midsummer's Day cathedral
The Saint-Jean-Baptist-and-Saint-Étienne church is the cathedral and primatiale of Lyon. The term of primatiale comes from that of Primacy of Gaules, titrates historical of the bishop of Lyon: the cathedral was recognized like such in 1079 by the pope...
11 juin 2007

The Saint-Paul church

The Saint-Paul church
The Saint-Paul church, located on right bank of the Saone, with the foot of the hill of Fourvière, is one of the three older currently preserved churches of Lyon.The district, near to the cathedral, was a long time a shopping and financial centre very...
11 juin 2007

La basilique saint Martin d'Ainay

La basilique saint Martin d'Ainay
Sur son emplacement fut construit le premier sanctuaire chrétien de Gaule. Une première chapelle fut édifiée en cet endroit au II ème siècle, sur un temple très ancien. Le confluent, entre Rhône et Saône, était une zone marécageuse parsemée d'iles. Après...
11 juin 2007

Chapelle Sainte Blandine

Chapelle Sainte Blandine
Au Sud-Est de la basilique, des passages ouverts au XIXe siècle donnent accès à la chapelle sainte Blandine Un petit chœur domine une nef dont la voûte en berceau plein-cintre repose sur de solides piliers adossés aux murs latéraux. Le chœur, surélevé...
11 juin 2007

Etude symbolique de la basilique saint Martin d'Ainay

Etude symbolique de la basilique saint Martin d'Ainay
Pourquoi Ainay ? Certains parlent d'athanacum, d'autres d'Ainacum ou d'Ageniacum. Il y a même une thèse rapprochant Ainay d'Athéna, déesse de la sagesse. Il semble que l'origine la plus probable soit celle d'Athanatos ou Athanoï au pluriel," l'immortel...
11 juin 2007

St Nizier

St Nizier
The first religious building located on the site of the current church is a Roman monument, probably a temple of Attis. Attis or Atys is a divinity of Phrygian origin, parèdre of the Cybèle goddess, of which he is at the same time the son and the lover....
11 juin 2007

Luriecq, dolmen of Rock-Cubertelle

Luriecq, dolmen of Rock-Cubertelle
The area of Drill is rich in crowned places and little known. Located between the Lyonese and Auvergne, it makes figure of poor relation. And yet…Many are the stones with cups, wood crowned where the fairies give each other appointment, many are the Romance,...
11 juin 2007

The Saint-Pourçain church and the fountain-laundrette in Louchy

The Saint-Pourçain church and the fountain-laundrette in Louchy
Located at the Western borders of the old diocese of Clermont, the current commune of Louchy covers the territory with two old parishes, from which one, located near the fortress of Montfan disappeared. The current church rises in the middle of a small...
11 juin 2007

Loch Ness (Scotland)

Loch Ness (Scotland)
The legend of Nessie is particularly old, since one finds of them the first traces in the chronicles of Colomban Saint. The “appearances” multiplied since….(Wikipédia) The castle of Urquart, dates from the XII E century but the headland was occupied since...
11 juin 2007

Saint Martin's day of Le Vilhain and the Chevriau stone

Saint Martin's day of Le Vilhain and the Chevriau stone
Occupied permanently since the Gallic time, this village had to be a strategic place thanks to its climax (414 m) and largely released, it indeed makes it possible to see the chain of Puys, Puy de Dôme, but also, (to be checked) the tower of the cathedral...
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