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Sacred places

Sacred places
Sacred places
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11 juin 2007

Crowned fountains

Crowned fountains
Anthology of the fountains which crossed my road. All are on high vibratory levels.We thus have the sources of Plozevet, which spout out on each side of the principal door. It is about an indubitable sign which shows that a worship of water was christianized...
11 juin 2007

Foutain Saint-Mayeul

Foutain Saint-Mayeul
Saint Mayeul was born in Avignon into 906, in a noble rich person family. After brilliant studies, it was made monk Benedictine and was abbot of Cluny from 948 to 991. He was a large reformer, friend of king Hugues Capet and emperors Othon Ier and Othon...
11 juin 2007

Frontenat, Saint-Pierre fountain

Frontenat, Saint-Pierre fountain
With the Frontenat locality, on the commune of Archignat, the Saint-Pierre fountain is an old called druidic crowned source Font Ana. Then the Romans made a worship with Dispater of it. It was christianized and it is now surmounted by a niche sheltering...
11 juin 2007

The Fountain of St Pardoux

The Fountain of St Pardoux
The fountain of Pardoux Saint collects water of a ferruginous source of the commune of Theneuille. One allotted to the water of this fountain of many property, in particular of youth and digestion.It is not exploited any more today, however, a pump always...
11 juin 2007

Freydefond, in Mazirat

Freydefond, in Mazirat
Freydefont, in toponymy auvergnate, would like to say “fraiche source”. It is true that water is fraiche there, and that our friends batrachians are not mistaken there. But there, we have to make in Freydefond, and Freyda is not far. Water flows dry stone...
11 juin 2007

Beaune-of Allier, Saint-Aignan fountain

Beaune-of Allier, Saint-Aignan fountain
Beaune-to Allier comes from Belna, of the name of Belenos (Gallic god), unquestionable site of a temple with Bélénos and Minerve on a source with the site of the Saint-Porcien vault.The Saint-Aignan fountain is also a christianized Gallic crowned source...
11 juin 2007

The fountain of Chateloy

The fountain of Chateloy
Occupied since prehistory, the site of Chateloy was place of worship druidic, before the establishment of the Gallo-Roman city of Cords. The virgin with the child presenting a bunch of grape is out of sandstone of Alsace. Work of ceramist A. Wattel, it...
11 juin 2007


Sainte Anne is the owner of the commune and the church. Not far from the central place, while leaving on the line the church, at the end of a small way, the fountain Holy-Anne is. She probably flows in a basin Gallic time. The statue of holy, in its niche,...
11 juin 2007

Fountain St Rémy in Saint Sauvier

Fountain St Rémy  in Saint Sauvier
The parish of Saint-Sauvier, in extreme cases To combine it and of Hollow, was founded at the beginning of VIème century, into 501, by Saint Remi, came in the country following the armies from Clovis, in order to drive out the Visigoths. There was already...
11 juin 2007

Fountain St Patrocle in Colombier

Fountain St Patrocle in Colombier
In addition to the church, the devotion with Patrocle saint is centered on the fountain. This water, always fresh, is famous to have therapeutic virtues. The legend reports that this one lacking water when it built the monastery, it launched a hammer...
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